About me...
I first picked up a camera 40 years ago when you bought film, took a picture and waited- impatiently- for 3 weeks to see if those memories you were trying to capture actually appeared on those small 3 x 5 prints. Back then, a "big" day of shooting involved 3-4 rolls of 36 exposure film...today, a few hour shoot can result in several thousand images.
During the past 4 decades I embraced every change to photography- cameras, lenses, film, processing...and while my old film cameras gather dust on a shelf and my black and white enlarger is buried in the attic- replaced by digital cameras, auto-focusing lenses, memory cards and computer processing- the fundamentals of that equipment laid the ground work for an in-depth understanding of the photographic process and the science behind the image.
Digital cameras, smartphones and editing software- all of which I'm a huge fan- have enabled a vast majority of people to capture wonderful pictures- and that's a good thing- but special events require more...a lot more.
Event photography is a story...one that is played out image by image, memory by memory on an unforgiving timeline...and for every shot missed, memories and chapters are lost.
So...let your friends and relatives help capture some of the memories...I'll make sure that, at the end of the day, your story will be remembered...every chapter...from beginning to end...for years to come.